Monday, April 18, 2011

Gathering Around the Wireless

It is strange to see a TV show featuring "quaint customs of the past" and realize, "Whoa, I remember doing that myself."

The latest incarnation of "Upstairs, Downstairs" is set in 1936 London. In last night's episode, the house staff relaxed at the end of the day by "gathering around the wireless" and reading, snacking, conversing, etc. while listening to music and drama. How quaint! So this is how folks survived without cable TV, On-Demand movies, and Facebook. What century was this when people actually entertained themselves by talking to one another?

Then I remembered that we didn't get our first TV set until I was nearly seven years old. Before that, we used to gather in the kitchen after dinner and listen to the radio. I didn't care for the musical programs, but even as a kid, I could actually picture Marshall Dillon going after the bad guys on "Gunsmoke" and visualize the hospital on "Young Doctor Malone". My mother would bake something for a snack. We would play board games (I was undefeated against Mom in Chinese Checkers and Mr Wiggly which did wonders for my self-esteem until I realized she was losing on purpose.) It could not compare to the thrills of "Wii Sports" or "Grand Theft Auto", but it felt warm and secure.

Then along came the TV. When the news was on (and all three channels available had the news on at the same time), we kids would walk away. When Mickey Mouse Club was on, the adults would walk away. Eventually, we got another TV and further familial splintering ensued.

Come to think of it, there is a lot to recommend "gathering around the wireless". It is humbling to realize that I remember it.

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