Monday, March 28, 2011


Dina Lohan revealed last week that daughter Lindsay is dropping the Lohan moniker and will be going by simply "Lindsay".

Going by one name is the very summit of the Pyramid of Egocentrism, steps above naming all your buildings and casinos after yourself (like Donald Trump), naming all your children after yourself (like George Foreman with his boys George, George, and George), or referring to yourself in the third person (like many athletes). But is there more to this story than rampant egocentrism? Is "Lindsay" considering a career change? Will she follow Gwyneth Paltrow into music?

After all, there are numerous musical celebrities with one name. Cher, Madonna, Sting. and Bono come immediately to mind. But there hasn't been a movie star with one name since Lassie, Benji, and Rin Tin Tin. Also, a "Bad Girl" image helps a musical career (witness Joan Jett) and as a musician you can write a best-selling book about your years of drug use (like Keith Richards).

Of course, no one knows if "Lindsay" can sing, but, thanks to modern technology, she need only "mouth" the words and the computer will make her sound like Maria Callas. If the computer is on the blink, though, she should know enough to immediately scamper off-stage unlike Ashlee Simpson on that memorable "Saturday Night Live" incident.

Once "Lindsay" has conquered the musical world, she could use that fame to obtain even greater riches. She need merely copyright the name "Lindsay". Madonna, Sting, and Bono are uncommon names and not worth the expense to trademark, but there are thousands of Lindsays out there. "Sorry, Miss. We can't accept that personal check signed "Lindsay Levine" unless you pay a fee to the famous musician and copyright holder "Lindsay".

On the other hand, maybe "Lindsay" is just incredibly egocentric after all.

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