Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Sometimes, a pithy quote explains motivation better than an hour-long speech

After "Big Daddy D" David Lattin helped Texas Western University win the NCAA basketball championship back in 1966, the Newark, NJ native was asked how he ended up playing hoops in El Paso, TX. He replied, "They made me the best offer, man."

After choosing East Stroudsburg University to continue his football career, a local gridder spouted the standard lines of "The coaches and players made me feel welcome. It's close to home", etc. When asked about his proposed academic major, he revealed that football might be his top priority when he said, "I'm debating between Criminal Justice and something to do with cars." Introduction to Fuel Injection 101 may not be on the course list at ESU.

A local young lady began a correspondence with a man awaiting trial for murder. Asked why she writes to prisoners, she replied that exchanging letters with them isn't new to her. Usually, she said, she chooses based on the face and not the crimes alleged. "It just so happens that I'm drawn to murderers." That explains it all.

It worked out for "Big Daddy D". He got a national championship and was in the NBA for a while. It remains to be seen whether the football player will achieve his dream of working on hot police cars and whether the prison correspondent will find the murderer of her dreams. It's great that they could express their motivation in a pithy sentence though.

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