Monday, December 5, 2011

Training and Equipping

The US Senate, "The World's Greatest Deliberative Body, Advising and Consenting Since 1789" did not have a good week. Our duly-elected Senators failed to reach a majority on extending payroll tax reductions that would either "put money in the pocket of citizens and stop these economic hard times in their tracks" according to supporters or "be a boondoggle that would increase the burgeoning deficit and place an untenable burden on our children" according to detractors. Ah well, it's an election year so let's not make any tough decisions.

One decision that was made, and by a whopping 93 - 7 majority, was passage of the 2012 Military Budget. This $662 billion bill includes $13 billion "for training and equipping Afghan security forces and $400 million for Afghan infrastructure projects." Apparently, money sent half-way around the world to a place that we're bailing out of next year doesn't count against that terrifying deficit. It's not as if $400 million couldn't be better used to upgrade our own infrastructure. US highways and bridges are in great shape.

Actually, the $13 billion "for training and equipping" is an All-American Job Creation Stimulus. The good military armament that the Afghans will get will be proudly made in the USA. As tough as it is for US consumers to find anything on their Christmas list that is not made in China, if you want Santa to come down the chimney bearing tanks, artillery, guns and ammo, you've got to buy American. We don't manufacture TV sets, video games, or clothing anymore, but we remain #1 when it comes to bombs and hand grenades.

American workers may take a bit of a hit if those payroll tax reductions expire, but our friends in the Military - Industrial Complex got a pre-Christmas gift of $13 billion. Lest we think that our Senators are heartless, they did include a big 1.6% pay increase for our brave fighting men and women in that 2012 Military Budget. It doesn't make up for the additional 2% they will cough up in increased payroll taxes, but it's not as if Beetle Bailey and Sgt Snorkel make campaign contributions like General Dynamics and Lockheed do.

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