Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Vatican Tweets

I am not a Twitter guy. I doubt that my legion of "followers" want to know what I am up to at any moment or what my 140 character opinion is on any topic. Actually, I am embarrassed that my legion of followers probably consists of only my dog and his sole concern is when I'm going to fill his food bowl. "Who cares whether The Bachelor is a mindless mimbo (male bimbo)? Where's my kibble?" #TheDog

Apparently, Twitter is not only for the young and socially ambitious. The Pope is issuing a Twitter message each day during Lent at #Pope2You. Of course, Twitter is a two way street. Followers can respond to the Papal message. Here is our chance to receive an infallible answer to the questions that vex us. It's better than Dear Abby.

"Santorum is getting all the good buzz for opposing contraception and his general Catholicness. Can you give me a shout out? Hey, I'm Catholic now, too" From #NewtG.

"In the words of Doctor Evil (I love those Austin Powers flicks), Newt, you are the Diet Coke of Catholicism. One calorie, not Catholic enough. Two former wives doesn't help either." From Pope2You

"The Evangelicals are saying that my Mormonism is a cult not real Christianity. Can you straighten them out?" From #MittR.

"Don't panic, Mitt. The Book of Mormon is packing them in on Broadway. Our The Book of Saint Eligius flopped. People love you Mormons. Bring back Donnie and Marie and you are golden." From Pope2You

"The pundits ignore me and claim that I'm a wacky old guy with ideas from the 19th century. You're an old guy with ideas from the 1st century and they love you. What's your secret?" From #RonP

"The threat of excommunication helps. I miss the good old days of the Inquisition and burning at the stake though. The real secret is costuming. Show up at the next debate in gold brocade robes and a pointy hat and they won't ignore you anymore." From Pope2You

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