Monday, January 31, 2011

Mysteries of Science

As a Man of Science, I've been trained to believe that there is a logical explanation for all natural phenomena. Birds fly due to the Bernoulli effect and their wing shape. That can of Diet Coke that I foolishly left in the freezer split because water expands when it freezes due to hydrogen bonding. Ryan Seacrest makes millions of dollars because...Well, there are some things that science can't explain yet.

Other than Ryan Seacrest's fame, I am mystified by pre-sliced hot dog and hamburger rolls. I understand how loaves of bread are sliced. Those slicing machines at Wegman's are in full view. Rolls are a different matter altogether. Removed from the wrapper, they are stuck together, yet still sliced, even the roll in the middle which has all four sides securely bonded to its sister rolls.

One theory is that a laser (or possibly a Jedi Sword) is involved. This is unlikely though. There were pre-sliced rolls in the days of my youth when lasers (and Jedi Swords) were merely a figment of George Lucas's imagination.

Another theory is that some "sacrificial" waxed paper is inserted in the dough before baking. The dough rises and the paper burns off, but not before leaving a neat, clean slice. I would expect a residue of some sort though.

Perhaps pre-sliced rolls like Ryan Seacrest's fame are beyond scientific explanation and must simply be accepted on faith.

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