Friday, June 3, 2011

Oh, Canada!

In a little-noticed sports story, the National Hockey League's Atlanta Thrashers moved north of the border to Winnipeg this week. Those thieving Canucks have done it again!

Granted, hockey is Canada's national sport and most NHL players are Canadians. Also, the Canadian dollar is worth more than the US dollar nowadays. It makes sense that the players would want to be skate in front of raucous, sold-out arenas north of the border and get paid in a more valuable currency rather than before a tepid crowd that is there hoping only for on-ice fisticuffs. The question remains - What did we ever do to Canada to make them so mad at us that they stole one of our hockey teams?

Joe Canada might respond:

You Americans mock us when we say "aboot" or "organ-eye-zation".

Your Microsoft spell check underlines "colour", "harbour", and all of our properly British spelling. Whose language is it anyway?

You stole Justin Bieber from us and won't give him back. You also stole Celine Dion, but you can keep her.

You show respect to your Neighbor to the South by building a wall to keep them out but all you have on your northern border are a few Border Agents to check for Havana cigars and cheap pharmaceuticals.

Darn right, we Canadians are mad and we're not going to take it any more. We may even start driving on the left side of the road like our British cousins. See how many traffic tickets we give out to your fishermen when they come north, but only in the summer because you wimpy Americans can't take our winter weather

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