Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Win - Win

The Express-Times website allows readers to comment on its stories. On Monday, the newspaper featured a page 1 article on replica toy guns that are dead ringers for actual weapons. Even criminals have to cut operating costs during this time of economic hardship. A realistic-looking toy gun from Toys R Us is cheaper than a real gun at the Wal-Mart next door thus improving profit margins for criminal enterprises.

Wasting no time, on Tuesday, Mattlick 12 contributed his thoughts. "If everyone was given a real gun by their local government, we wouldn't need to determine if guns are real or fake. This would decrease crime by at least 70% and also uphold our constitutional right to bear arms."

And I thought that Cash For Clunkers was a win-win! The government should give each and every one of us a free gun. We citizens would blow away criminals putting them in the morgue as opposed to in the jails thus saving the government more money than they paid for the guns in the first place! Surely, this was the "original intent" of the authors of the Bill of Rights.

Of course, we would have to limit free guns to "real Americans". Let's issue a 9mm Glock to teens when they pass their driver's test! If the written test is given only in good old American English, those illegal immigrants can't pass it. Anyone over the age of 16 (or 18 depending on the state of residence) not "packing iron" can be swept up by Immigration authorities. Another win-win!

If Obama is so smart, why didn't he think of this?

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