Monday, November 9, 2009

American Health Care

Chief among the arguments against the proposed Health Care Plan is that we Americans will be forced to abandon our "best in the world" medical attention for the slipshod ministrations found in those "socialized" systems elsewhere. It's a small miracle that there are any Canadians, Brits or Europeans left living what with interminable waits for second-rate medical care outside our borders.

Maybe, just maybe, medical competence has nothing to do with whether the government, a private insurer or the patient pays the bills.

A Southern Lehigh HS Field Hockey player suffered a wrist injury in Friday's District XI championship game. According to the newspaper article, her wrist "swelled to tennis ball size. The orthopedist on duty said she probably burst a blood vessel, rather than breaking a bone."

Now there's a diagnosis to put House, MD to shame. "Your wrist is expanding faster than the National Debt. It's black and blue and ugly. You can't move it. It's PROBABLY just a burst blood vessel though. Nothing to worry about there. Internal bleeding usually isn't much of a problem unless you're a hemophiliac or something. If it was a broken bone, there would be bone fragments sticking through the skin. Now that would be a problem."

That's good old American Health Care, the best that money can buy! No wonder foreigners flock to our shores when they are really sick.

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