Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Catch Phrases

Lines from popular movies often become catch phrases. "Love means you never have to say you're sorry" was on everyone's lips after the release of "Love Story" in 1970. "I'm the King of the World!" was big after "Titanic". "Dirty Harry" spawned "Make my day". Would Arnold have achieved public office without "Terminator" and "Ah'll be bahck."?

Building on the "Twilight" phenomenon, store racks are chock full of tee-shirts showing Edward the Teen Aged Vampire stating something to effect of, "I'll never see you again, but it is to protect you." The tee-shirts are labeled unisex which is seems unusual at first glance. Teen girls would certainly purchase a shirt depicting the pouty Edward and his sensitive dialogue. "I'd be arm in arm with a hot guy like the one on my shirt here, but he's actually a vampire. He can barely control himself around me, so I'm going to the prom alone for my own protection."

But why would teen guys buy an Edward shirt? Hope always reigns that your average teen guy can "trade up" girlfriend-wise. One magical day, his skin clears up or his Dad buys him a cool car and suddenly Tiffany the Hot Cheerleader is interested. The problem is how to let current girlfriend Daphne the Not-So-Hot Bandmember down easy. The classic "It's not you, it's me" line lost its impact after George abused it regularly on "Seinfeld".

Thank you, Twilight! Teen guys "trading-up" today need only wear the shirt. The appropriate line is written right on it in case you need a cue card. What teen girl could resist explaining her doomed romance with, "Just like Bella, ours was a love that could not be! Now where's that Werewolf guy with the chiseled abs?"

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