Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I became a Lindsay Lohan fan several years ago when she hosted "Saturday Night Live". She came off as modest, self-effacing, and a decent actress under tough conditions. Of course, this was in comparison to Paris Hilton who had hosted SNL a few weeks earlier. A door knob exhibits better acting chops than Our Gal Paris.

It's been difficult to remain a Lohan fan what with the embarrassing photos, the high-as-a-kite public appearances, and the arrests. What kept me in the fold was that Lindsay always came up with a decent excuse - "I would have made it to that hearing, Judge, but here I am stranded in Cannes and I lost my passport." It's not much, but it is better than "The dog ate my homework ."

I fell of the Lohan Bandwagon this morning though. After "Today" recounted the latest on the Disaster in the Gulf and the most recent attractive young white girl missing and possibly abducted, it showed a full-screen shot of Lindsay's ankle with its alcohol-sniffing bracelet. Apparently, it had sniffed some alcohol on or about Ms Lohan and the Judge wanted some answers. Lindsay replied, "It must have malfunctioned."

You can come up with a better excuse than that, girl. Granted you never went to high school. You weren't exposed to the classic excuses like "My alarm didn't go off", "The school bus driver hates me and drove right on by", or "I thought today was Saturday", Still, they can test that bracelet and prove that it works.

Even Paris Hilton could come up with a better excuse than that.

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