Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Macungie Atrocity

Macungie is one of those town names that brings a smile to your face. Like Poughkeepsie or Walla Walla, it just sounds funny. Humans may continue to chuckle, but the mere mention of Macungie brings shudders of fear to our canine companions.

Last week, a Macungie woman left Max, her chocolate lab, in her car parked outside a strip mall for about an hour in 90 degree weather. The woman claimed that she had "forgotten" that Max was in the car. Maybe it was a really big vehicle. Maybe Ms Macungie has really poor eyesight that she would miss an 80 pound, panting dog lolling around her car. "Typical human", our doggie friends would say.

The woman heard her car horn being sounded several times during that hour, but "noticed nothing amiss". Apparently, car horns go off by themselves in Macungie. Finally, she went outside and saw Max seated in the driver's seat honking the horn. Even in Macungie, a dog behind the steering wheel honking the horn is worthy of notice.

Max was freed from the sweltering vehicle, given water, wetted down, and transported to the vet. He is none the worse for wear now.

Some good may have come from this incident. Dogs communicate with each other in ways that we humans cannot comprehend - butt sniffing, urine deposits, barking. Surely, word of the Macungie Atrocity has spread through the Lehigh Valley Canine Grapevine by now. I know that when my dog misbehaves this week, he immediately comes back in line when I shout, "Macungie!" It's like Colonel Klink threatening to send Sergeant Schultz to the Eastern Front in "Hogan's Heroes". Straighten up, or I'll send you to the worst place imaginable!

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