Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Justin in 3-D

There have been great film biographies over the years. "Abe Lincoln in Illinois", "The Story of Louis Pasteur", "Marie Curie" and the like brought historical figures to life (and greatly eased the task of procrastinating middle schoolers tasked with writing Social Studies reports on these famous folk).

Despair not, Students of the Future! When you are assigned a report on the life and times of that icon of 2010, Justin Bieber, you will not only have his published memoirs (expected in book stores by Valentine's Day, 2011), but a "3-D big-screen biopic" (showing at a theater near you, Summer, 2011).

Memoirs are one thing. After all, Justin is all of 16 years old and if there is a year in a young man's life that is "memoir-able", that is it - Driver's Test, Algebra II, sneaking into R-rated movies. Justin's memoirs should rank right up there on the NY Times Best Sellers List with Sarah Palin's depiction of "The Real America".

A 3-D movie recounting Justin's lief is something else. Abe, Louis, and Marie rated their biopics by freeing the slaves, conquering disease, and developing the X-ray. But their biopics were only 2-D and black-and-white to boot. Imagine what Justin is going to do to rate a 3-D biopic. The plot hasn't been released yet. My guess is that the producers will take the most successful 3-D franchise so far, "Avatar", and blend in Justin's life story with a few minor embellishments.

In the movie, Justin was actually born on Pandora. In a freak accident involving Unobtanium, he achieved human form and was transported to Canada where he grew up unaware of his Pandoran legacy much like Superman. Justin becomes aware of his Pandoran origin and is torn between his dual identities as a teen idol and a truly illegal "alien". It's cinematic magic.

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