Monday, August 16, 2010

With a k

Musik (with a k) fest provides joy to lovers of:

  • Musik (Just like conventional music but filtered through heat, humidity, insects and the stench from nearby Porta-Potties).
  • Food (Deep-fried Oreos or Snickers, anyone?)
  • and Drink ($4 for a 12 oz plastic cup of rapidly-warming beer).

It also provides an endless source of amusement to readers of the police blotter in the daily newspaper.

According to police:

A boy dropped his pants and mooned the crowd at 11:30 PM Wednesday while on the Main Street Ramp. It's the same Main Street Ramp where Bethlehem police park their SWAT Team's armored vehicle and have the department's Command Center along with an array of video cameras. "Excuse me, Officer while I drop my drawers in front of you and all these cameras. What? is this sort of thing frowned upon here in the Christmas City?"

Benjamin Reichenbach was charged with public drunkenness while being carried to his car early Wednesday morning. His blood alcohol content was 0.262, more than three times the legal limit. "Your honor, my client was unaware that BCUI (Being Carried Under the Influence) is a criminal offense. It's not as if he were DUI (Driving) or even WUI (Walking) under the influence."

A 31 year old man passed out with his pants open between City Hall and Police Headquarters. He was charged with public drunkenness. "It's a natural mistake, Officer. I saw guys rushing in and out of this building all night long and figured it must be a really big and elaborate Porta-Pottie. I thought I'd just open my pants and lie down in front of it until it was my turn to go in."

Of course, the classic Musik (with a k) contretemps occurred a few years ago when a patron slugged a police horse that failed to let him pass. How many $4 beers must one consume before the realization strikes that taking a swing at a 1200 pound animal with an armed policeman in its saddle is probably not a good idea?

Alas, Musik (with a k) fest comes but once a year. Still, it provides enough amusing court cases to keep police and judges chuckling until it rolls around again.

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