Thursday, September 16, 2010

Americanization Averted

Syndicated columnist Cal Thomas warned yesterday of "the Americanization of al-Queda leadership" which like the old Julie Andrews movie "The Americanization of Emily" involves foreigners infiltrating our fair land to spread fear and instability. After all these years, Julie Andrews still speaks with a British accent, you know. Drop the accent if you want to be a real American. Julie.

Cal points out that al-Queda is developing an embryonic recruitment infrastructure within the US involving immigrant and indigenous Muslims. Whatever shall we do? Cal recommends:

1. "Bar Muslim immigrants from Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen." Solid thinking, Cal! Immigrants fleeing a totalitarian homeland have never worked out for America. We should never have allowed that Einstein guy in from Nazi Germany. Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Ben Franklin all descended form British-born parents when the UK was under that nasty King George. Who knows what they were really plotting in Independence Hall back in 1776? Come to think of it, every American except Sitting Bull (and, apparently, Cal Thomas) came here to escape oppression.

2. Ban "the uncontrolled construction of mosques as well as Islamic schools some of which have already sown the seeds from which future terrorists will be cultivated". Great grasp of history, Cal! Harvard and Yale were founded to train religious leaders and to this day have prominent Divinity Schools. Those hotbeds of religious radicalism are the alma mater of every current Supreme Court justice and we know what a bunch of radicals they are.

3. Stop "the large-scale conversion to Islam of prison inmates many of whom become radicalized and upon release enlist in al-Queda's army." Right on, Cal! It wasn't until after they were released from prison that Lenin and Hitler became radicalized and look what happened as a result. Or maybe they were fairly radical before prison, who knows?

Cal concludes his column on a chilling note. "Syria has asked imams for recordings of their Friday sermons and is closely monitoring what is taught in their religious schools... What does Syria know that we refuse to acknowledge out of fear of offending sensibilities?" Great idea, Cal! Let's establish a reverse Inquisition where the government tortures religious leaders if they don't parrot the party line. We can learn a lot from Syria.

Isn't Syria a Muslim country, though? Could it be that Islamofascism has less to do with Islam than with Fascism? Is every single one of the billion Muslims world-wide our sworn enemy? Let's not take any chances though. Keep them outside our borders. Don't allow their mosques or schools. Keep them away from our prisons. You tell 'em, Cal.

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