Thursday, September 30, 2010

Texting or Rush?

Texting while driving is dangerous and illegal. Inadvertently changing stations on your car radio to Rush Limbaugh is equally hazardous to the motoring public.

Yesterday, I was cruising down the road when that irritating toenail fungus commercial came on Sports Radio 1. Yes, I know you had to cover your children's eyes when Bob took off his shoes and socks. Oh the horror! Clearly, it was time to punch the radio button for Sports Radio 2, but hand-eye coordination has never been my strong suit and instead I hit the button that brought The Rush Limbaugh Program to my waiting ears.

Rush noted that The Liberal Media was getting all over Senate candidate and Tea Party favorite Christine O'Donnell. Ms O'Donnell had stated that Darwin's Theory of Evolution cannot possibly be correct. If humankind truly descended from apes then why are there still gorillas out there? Shouldn't they all be people by now? Did some of them not get the memo?

The frightening prospect is that Ms O'Donnell has a 50 / 50 chance of being elected to the US Senate and once there might be assigned as chairman to some committee that oversees science or education. Of course, the late great Senator Ted Stevens was chairman of the committee that oversaw the airwaves and when asked, "What is the Internet?", replied, "Oh, it's just a bunch of tubes." Presumably, the real work is done by staff people who actually understand the business or technology that the committee is supposed to be regulating. But why take that chance? Let's elect Senators with at least a 10th grade grasp of science, math, and reading comprehension.

Rush wasn't about to let a red meat conservative comment like Ms O'Donnell's go by without attaching his spin. "The two most evil men in history are Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud." Solid thinking, Rush. Clearly, humankind is uniquely created in God's image. Nature doesn't control us. We control it! We have the right to strip the Earth of its resources and pollute it if need be. Darwin and his Galapagos Islands, pish posh. Give me smoggy Route 22 at rush hour. That's what God intended!

As for Freud, why attempt to treat mental illness? Anyone who doesn't agree with me is obviously mentally ill and should be locked away or at the very least sent away to a work farm for "re-education." It worked so well for Stalin and Mao.

This bit of The Rush Limbaugh Program made me so mad, I nearly drove off the road. Texting while driving is probably less hazardous to Liberals than listening to Rush.

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