Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Bladder's Revenge

During my working life, November was the cruelest month. Mornings involved crawling from a warm bed to a chilly bathroom, hopping into a shower that ranged from cold to hot in a heartbeat and the dreaded scraping frost from the windshield. Still, the worst part was waking up when it was still dark outside. The birds aren't even up yet, why should I be? When I'm retired, I will sleep until dawn at least. My diurnal clock insists on it.

Now I'm retired and guess what? I'm still fumbling around in the pre-dawn November darkness. Oh, I don't want to and I don't have to, but my aged lower back has other ideas. "There's no comfortable position for you in this nice warm bed. I will ache until you must arise and walk off the stiffness. By then, you will be properly chilled and totally awake. Bwahh-Ha-Ha!"

Then my bladder chimes in, "Even if you go back to bed just to warm up, I will magically re-fill and you will be popping up for a bathroom break in 5 minutes. Resistance is futile."

My brain cries out in anguish, "Why have I done to deserve this, lower back and bladder?"

They reply in unison, "You may not remember guzzling beer all night long then sleeping past noon on a lumpy couch or the bare, hard floor back in your college days, but we do. Do you have any idea how much stress that put on us? Now is the Time of Our Revenge"

Truly, "What goes around, comes around", not only in human-to-human interactions but also in the intra-human conflict.

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