Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Think of the Children

We all await with bated breath certain nominations - the candidates for President, the Academy Award for Best Picture, Prom King and Queen. Prom King and Queen, you say? Most people can't remember who ran for President when they were in high school or which movie won the Oscar last year, but we all recall that skank Tiffany who stuffed the ballot box not to mention her bra to win Prom Queen when we were seniors..

Another nomination is rapidly approaching these in popularity and controversy. "Dancing With The Stars" announced its celebrity line-up for the upcoming season last week. Included is Kate Gosselin of "Jon & Kate Plus 8" fame. She is joined by Pamela Anderson (Baywatch was a while ago, wasn't it, Pam?) and one of The Pussycat Dolls (The arc of musical genius goes Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Beatles, Pussycat Dolls).

Kate is the most controversial choice. One might think that a now-single mom with eight kids whose TV show was just cancelled would have enough on her plate without submitting to hours of dance rehearsals. Even Sarah Palin had to give up her day job as governor and first line of defense against Russian bombers over the Bering Strait to devote her time to her children, grandchild, hunting, fishing, and Fox News commentary.

But not our girl Kate. She can do it all. As a blogger to the local newspaper said, ""It's time for her to have a bit of fun. I hope that she enjoys Dancing With The Stars and I truly hope that her eight children enjoy looking back at old videos in the future." Not so fast there, blogger. Videos of Mom in a skimpy outfit doing the rhumba with a guy half her age are not exactly what Jon & Kate's Eight want playing on the TV when they have a sleepover with their friends. Have fun, Kate, but, in the immortal phrase, "Think of the children." Pamela Anderson and Miss Pussycat have enough stuff on You Tube to embarrass their kids into drug addiction or a cult already. You still have a relatively clean slate.

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