Friday, August 5, 2011

Campus Safety

Firearms are not allowed on the campus of Northampton County Community College! Jerry Guerriere made this astonishing discovery and shared it with us via a Letter to the Editor. Even the NCACC security force is unarmed. Josh and Tiffany may be strolling into an ambush by some armed desperadoes on their way to Calculus 101. Granny may be robbed at gunpoint as she enters the gym for her Yoga class. And they can't shoot back.

Here in the Keystone State, colleges, or anywhere else for that matter, are not prohibited places to carry firearms. Jerry asks that we write to Governor Corbett and request that he defund all state and community colleges until they conform to Pennsylvania law by allowing firearms. The Gov's most recent budget does a fairly decent job of defunding higher education in the state already. He can save billions of hard-earned taxpayer dollars, make the NRA happy, and make our campuses safer all in one fell swoop. Talk about a win - win - win.

There might be an even better remedy to the No Guns on Campus problem. In my day, we ROTC cadets were issued our very own M-1 (the rifle that won WWII) for drills. Sadly, our M-1s lacked firing pins and ammo. Why not promise every ROTC cadet on a PA campus in 2011 a fully-operable rifle with ammo? It would surely increase participation in ROTC, swell the ranks of our military after graduation, and greatly increase campus safety. I know that I would feel a lot safer walking from the parking lot to my Wine Appreciation Class surrounded by armed, uniformed ROTC cadets.

Think about it, Governor Corbett.

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