Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Oh, Walkman, Where Art Thou?

I love my Walkman. At least twice each day, I clip it to my belt to catch the latest sports news while walking the dog, mowing the lawn, shovelling snow, washing the car, or vacuuming. When I place those earphones on my head, the dog begins that stiff-legged "about time I had the chance to go pottie" dance. Household maintenance becomes a treat, not a chore, if I can listen to the Phillies game.

Alas, the Walkman has joined my wardrobe, haircut, and musical preferences as a relic of the past. I have to search long and hard among the racks of iPhones and Wiis at Wal-Mart to find one. In fact, the Walkman is about as fashionable today as the polyester leisure suit. A sportswriter commented regarding a NY Giants' rookie fullback, " (his) designation as one of the best in last year's draft was like selling a top-end Walkman, it's good to possess, but there's limited interest."

It is time for Sony to resurrect the Walkman and I know how. Just take them off the market for a year or so. Force us to haul around portable radios with four D batteries when we walk the dog. Sure, it builds up arm strength, but try juggling a two pound radio, a pooper scooper, and a bagful of steaming feces. Then blast the neighbor's eardrums to the Phillies game at full volume so it can be heard over the lawn mower. That will be the end of free tomatoes and beans from their garden. We will beg for the return of the Walkman.

Oh, you say that there is this magical new device called an iPod which can play every song or podcast that we've ever liked and is about as portable as a credit card?

My dog won't be happy about it, but I guess my trusty Walkman can join my VCR in the back of the closet.

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