Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lebowski vs. Hannah Montana

Sports Illustrated reported that "The Big Lebowski" star Jeff Bridges lost out to Miley Cyrus in a vote to induct a celebrity into the Bowling Hall of Fame.

"That's a foul, Donnie!" I demand a recount. The Dude's LIFE was bowling (and drinking White Russians, an exacta to be admired). Maintaining her teen-by-day, rock star-by-night "Hannah Montana" persona leaves little time for crucial "league play" by Ms Cyrus. Miley's "Best of Both Worlds" encompasses high school hi-jinks and sanitized pop music. The Dude's "Best of Both Worlds" is kegling and seeking that rug that "ties the room together". Which of these two appeals more to the average American bowler?

Of course, times are tough for lesser-known Halls of Fame. Fans continue to flock to Baseball's HOF in Cooperstown and Pro Football's in Canton, but even relocating from St Louis to Arlington, TX right next to Six Flags has not boosted attendance at the Bowling HOF. "You kids just stay in line for The Texas Giant, I'll mosey over to the Bowling Hall of Fame."

Lesser-known HOFs need a gimmick. The Boxing Hall of Fame set the precedent by inducting Sylvester Stallone this year. "Sure, Sly never actually set foot inside a real boxing ring, but more people will pay admission to see his plaque than would for Julio Cesar Chavez."

The Bowling HOF folks probably thought, "Having a vote between Lebowski and Miley Cyrus and having Miley win will cause more controversy than the Taylor Swift Grammy win over Beyonce a couple of years ago. People will want to come to Arlington to protest."

Despite this miscarriage of justice, the Dude abides. Ten years from now, "Hannah Montana - The Movie" will be gathering dust on DVD racks while "The Big Lebowski" will be shown on bowling center TVs nationwide.

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