Friday, August 26, 2011

Drunken Prank Gone Awry

It is a rite of passage for teen-aged boys. Obtain some booze, get buzzed, do something stupid, and re-live the experience every time you get together for the next 50 years. Three Bethlehem lads will re-live their experience in front of a judge soon.

Last Monday, the trio broke into the Bethlehem Police Horse Paddock, chased the horses and tried to ride them. The "horses in blue" did not take kindly to this. One equine kicked an intruder in the head. Of course, "God takes care of babies and drunks" so the injury was not serious. What was serious was that someone (one of the horses?) called the police and the trio was apprehended . Charges included underage drinking, harassing police animals, defiant trespass, and disorderly conduct.

This drunken prank was a bad idea in so many ways:

1. The idea is to avoid police notice when drunk and underage. Breaking into police property will bring the boys in blue on the run.

2. Harassing a 1200 pound animal while lacking complete control of one's senses is an incredibly bad idea. If the creature you are chasing outweighs you by 1000 pounds, can run faster than you can, and has steel-clad hooves, you may want to leave him be.

3. No matter how many times you rode the pony at that Petting Farm, your equestrian ability may not be up to mounting a tired and cranky police horse who does not look kindly on extra duty after a hard day on the mean streets of Bethlehem.

One wonders what the judicial punishment is for "harassing a police animal". Worse yet, what will the other inmates say when your answer to "What are you in for?" is "I tried to ride a police horse, but it kicked me in the head."

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