Monday, August 15, 2011

Oscar at the Fest

The 2011 version of Musik (with a k) fest had its share of spectacle. There was flooding, lightning, and an appearance by a Jonas brother. In fact, the flooding and lightning may have resulted from the hysteria generated by the Jonas appearance. Had all the Jonases been on-stage, Bethlehem would be totally underwater today as prepubescent shrieks brought down even more torrents of rain from the clouds.

Another icon paid an unexpected visit to the Fest. Police found a garbage can with a pair of legs dangling outside during their 11 PM "sweep" of the grounds. The officer helped Richard Follweiler out of the trash can, but Richard could not stand straight and began stumbling around. He was charged with public drunkeness. Police did not know what Richard was doing in the can. "Maybe he was portraying Oscar the Grouch," the officer quipped.

It takes a sense of humor to sweep up drunks from the Fest grounds, but this comment shows poor police work. Oscar is always portrayed feet-first in his garbage can. This is not a Sesame Street fan gone wild. It is likely the result of violence (or dumpster diving gone horribly wrong).

Richie Colossimo was the Class Clown at my high school back in the 60s. After basketball star Chaz Wozniak missed the lay-up that would have propelled our hoopsters into the state playoffs, Richie made the mistake of mocking the Chazster. Without a word, Chaz picked Richie up in the air, inverted him and deposited him head-first into a garbage can. Could the same fate have befallen Richard Follweiler at Musik (with a k) fest?

The Bethlehem PD should put out an All Points Bulletin for Chaz Wozniak. The man has a record of similar violence toward guys named Richie. The Oscar reference is a red herring. Of course, Mr Follweiler may have had googly eyes and acquired green fur during his sojourn in the can, but the streets of the Christmas City won't be safe until all the facts in this case are known.

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