Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chicken Feet In The News

Wandering the aisles of Wal-Mart, I noted a peculiar odor emanating from the stacks of Made in China Barbie Dolls, It was not unpleasant. It brought images of Sunday dinners at Grandma's house.

The explanation came as I read the following in the Business News - "The Chinese government announced Sunday that it is investigating complaints that American chicken parts are being dumped - sold at less than market prices - in China. China is the top export market for US chicken, primarily chicken feet."

Aha! It only stands to reason that all those ships bringing Chinese-manufactured Barbies east across the Pacific are not heading back empty. Let's fill their holds for the return trip with what the Chinese want and we would only toss in the dumpster anyway - chicken feet! If little Tiffany's Malibu Barbie smells like she just finished a shift at KFC, so be it.

Our defense against the dumping claim is simple. Airlines offer reduced fares to fill what would otherwise be empty seats. Trans-oceanic shippers can do the same. Instead of "Kids Fly Free" promotions, it's "Poultry Sails Free". There is historical precedent. Had the Titanic survived for a return voyage back to England, its holds would not have been filled with Leonardo DiCaprio and other immigrants, but with chicken parts exported to Europe.

Unfortunately, Foghorn Leghorn never mounted the bow of the Titanic to crow, "I'm the King of the World". Perhaps, it's all for the best. Even Celine Dion would struggle singing a romantic song to that image.

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