Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Creeping Socialism

Before even reading President Obama's First Day of School broadcast, the prescient Chairman of the Florida Republican Party stated that the speech would use taxpayer dollars to spread Obama's socialist ideology. Glenn Beck warned that Obama is trying to capture our kids. A Lehigh Valley School Director said that Obama is setting a dangerous precedent and is attempting the indoctrination of our students. And all that was last week before the speech was released. Nostradmaus has nothing on these guys. Perhaps they can tell me whether the Eagles will cover the spread next Sunday so I can get a bet down.

The White House released the text of the speech and it appeared in today's newspapers. It is chilling stuff!

Sure, there's the standard boilerplate - Set educational goals. Your country is depending on you. Don't give up on yourself - , but. typical of those insidious socialists, Obama throws in a subtle boost for National Health Care. He states, "I hope you'll wash your hands a lot and stay home from school when you don't feel well, so we can keep people from getting the flu this fall and winter." What he really means is, "Kids, if you want to stay home from school this winter (and what kid doesn't?), sneeze all over your hands and spread those germs. That way, your friends will be out of school,too, and you can have video game tournaments like you wouldn't believe until Mom and Dad come home none the wiser. It will get boring after a while, but if you're covered under National Health Care, you'll get to see a doctor and get out of the house."

We cannot allow our children to be exposed to this!

But seriously folks...Every American kid is told that he/she can grow up to be President. Sadly, cynicism sets in as we study history. It turns out that wealth, political deals, or a successful military career get you to the White House rather than hard work and perseverance. It doesn't hurt to be a photogenic white male, either.

Now we have a President who grew up poor, mixed race, and fatherless. Maybe my first grade teacher was right after all and anyone can truly grow up to be President.

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