Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Corporate Responsibility

After a tough week in Middle School, local tweens flock to the mall cineplex on a Friday night to catch the latest PG-13 rated, CGI-infused depiction of Nic Cage saving the world or attractive, scantily-clad teens ignoring their hormonal urges long enough to kill off a homicidal maniac only to have him resurrected in a sequel. It's not exactly "Hamlet", but after a week of "If a train leaves Boston traveling at 60 mph and another leaves Chicago at 80 mph, will they collide in Macungie?", these kids need to blow off some steam.

Part of the ritual is pre- or post-cinema gathering at a nearby restaurant. Red Robin wisely placed eateries within walking distance of many cineplexes. On the cutting edge of corporate responsibility, Red Robin claims it uses local ingredients, and even uses LED lighting to reduce its carbon footprint. Sadly, it also publishes nutritional information on its fare.

If Josh and Tiffany decide on these Red Robin delicacies, they consume:

Queso Appetizer (Shared) 716 calories
Guacamole Bacon Burger (Josh) 1,160
Chicken Tenders Salad (Tiff) 1,400
Mountain High Mud Pie (Shared) 684
Coke Classic (24 oz) 300

That's nearly 3,000 calories each all in one meal. The average adult should consume some 2,500 calories per day to maintain weight at normal activity level. Josh and Tiff have some workin' out to do!

Perhaps, Red Robin's corporate responsibility should include stationary bike or treadmill electrical generators. After a delicious RR meal, Josh and Tiff could work off those calories and keep those LED lights a-burnin'.

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