Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pioneer Dogs

This newspaper blurb caught my eye last week:

"A man was attacked by a black bear in his Aspen, Colorado home. The man went to the first floor of his home to check on his three barking dogs when the bear struck him in the head. The man's injuries are not life-threatening."

My first thought was - Aha! A fine example of a woodland creature exercising its constitutional right to "bear arms".

My second, and more rational, thought was - What has become of the pioneer dogs? Joe Aspen's dogs tamely barked, probably afraid that the bear would get at their kibble. Back in the day, pioneer dogs would risk life and limb to protect their home from that ursine invader. "Old Yeller" gave his life to protect Tommy Kirk from a cougar in the classic Disney tear-jerker. "Lassie" would have hauled Timmy up from the well in a heartbeat if she had opposible thumbs. 21st century dogs think, "Sure, we've got the jaw muscles that can crack through bone and gristle, but we'll let our human tackle a beast that is twice his body mass with razor-sharp claws. Maybe the bear will go to WalMart afterwards and treat us to some Old Roy's"

I blame it all on the lack of canine role models in the 21st century. Modern dogs see Paris Hilton and other celebs with their "fashion accessory" pooches peering from their purses. They see Leona Helmsley leaving her fortune to her dog. They have forgotten RinTinTin saving the US cavalry from Indian attack and Yukon King (with some assistance from Sgt Preston) clearing the Great White North of bad guys.

Dogs of America, being cute is not enough! Remember your pioneer forebearers!

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