Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fear Factor

The people of Massachusetts have spoken and it is official, "The sky has fallen! Health care is dead. Obama and the Democrats have failed."

Jon Stewart anticipated this development on Monday's Daily Show. He stated, "George W. Bush never had as large a congressional majority as Obama and the Democrats will have even if they lose the Massachusetts seat and he was able to do whatever the (blank) he wanted."

But what did G.W. and the GOP have that Obama and the Dems don't? Fear! Scare the American public and you can get away with anything.

Saddam has weapons of mass destruction honed in on your child's school!

We have to tap your phones and computers (without a warrant) or the Taliban will make your wife wear a burkha!

If we don't keep those terrorists penned up in Guantanamo, they'll be planting IEDs under your Ford F-150.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Why not borrow a page from Karl Rove's book and produce a series of TV commercials that show typical American husband Harry coming home to his wife Louise:

Harry - "Well, they down-sized me today. I guess we knew it was coming. I'll get extended unemployment compensation and re-training compensation thanks to the Democrats. What worries me is that when the Company Health Care runs out, we'll have to buy our own and that'll run about $600 per month that we don't have. Still, Rush and the Republicans tell me that it's a small price to pay for the Best Health Care In The World, not to mention avoiding those Death Panels. I'd hate to have a bunch of liberal bureaucrats in Washington decide whether you live or die, Louise."

Louise - "I agree, Harry. It's a lot better to have a bunch of conservative bureaucrats at a for-profit Health Care company decide whether to grant coverage due to my pre-existing condition. We'll probably go bankrupt paying off my medical bills. We'll have to sell the house and live on the streets, but it's the American Way!

Play the Fear Card. It worked for G.W.

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