Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Joe "The Plumber" Limbaugh

Our boy Rush Limbaugh was hospitalized for chest pains last week. Rush reported, "They found absolutely nothing wrong. No arterial disease, no coronary disease whatsoever." He also managed some political commentary, "I don't think there's one thing wrong with our health care system."

Of course, the current health care system works for multi-millionaires like Rush. On the other hand, imagine if his identical twin, Joe "The Plumber" Limbaugh applied for health insurance today:

"Joe, I see that you just lost your job and no longer have health insurance. You had chest pains last week. That';s a pre-existing condition. Strike one! You're overweight and smoke cigars. That's strike two! You are a recovering Oxycontin addict. That's strike three! No health insurance for you, Mr Limbaugh, unless, of course, you're willing to pay more than $2,000 per month."

"On the other hand, if you can keep those chest pains at bay until you turn 65 and become eligible for Medicare, that horribly inefficient government-sponsored program will allow you to get treatment. We private insurers wish you well."

America needs to keep its political commentators healthy. A few plumbers more or less don't matter.

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