Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What's My Motivation?

"Method" acting was all the rage in the movie acting from the '50s through the 80s. Marlon Brando actually became the brutish Stanley Kowalski in "Streetcar Named Desire" and later internalized the role of stately Vito Corleone in "The Godfather". Robert DeNiro transformed from the delusional Travis Bickle of "Taxi Driver" to the crazy in a different way Jake LaMotta in "Raging Bull". Meryl Streep was entirely convincing as the bitchy wife in "Kramer vs Kramer" and equally true as the victimized Sophie in "Sophie's Choice". Academy Awards for Best Actor seem to follow true Method Actors.

Move over, Marlon, Robert, and Meryl. Shia La Beouf is taking the Method Acting Highway to Oscarland. According to news reports, Shia was preparing to shoot a pivotal scene in "Transformers 3". To put himself in the proper frame of mind, he put a certain song from his iPod on the soundstage speakers. Director Michael Bay objected to the song. Shia took Bay aside and claimed, "This song is the crux of my whole character, my whole arc." Bay and Shia nearly came to blows. Finally, Bay left the set and La Beouf finished the scene with only the cameraman in attendance. Score one for artistic integrity. Who needs a Director around setting up all those special effects? It's not like moviegoers are coughing up $10 to see giant robots demolish Chicago. They are queuing up to see Shia LaBeouf emote.

A word of warning, though, Shia. Megan Fox got a little too big for her britches after Transformers 1 and 2 and found herself replaced by a Victoria's Secret model in "T3". No matter how good a Method Actor you are, could it be that the only irreplaceable parts of the Transformers franchise are Optimus Prime and Megatron?

You may win your Oscar, Shia, but crossing swords with the director could get you a pink slip before Transformers 4 starts shooting.

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