Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Marketing Genius

Marketing is the art of convincing people to buy something they don't necessarily need at a time they don't necessarily want it. I heard a master stroke of marketing on Sports Radio while walking the dog this morning.

"Buy her that engagement ring now and we'll give you a free big screen TV just in time for "The Big Game". (We can't say Super Bowl or we'll have to pay a rights fee.) Complete your purchase of any diamond ring, $2,995 or more in value, this week and we'll guarantee delivery and set up of that big screen TV in plenty of time for all the action."

The jewelry business is nothing if not seasonal. The diamond ring counter is stacked three deep with customers before Christmas and Valentine's Day. In late January, jewelry clerks catch up on their e-mail and play a lot of Angry Birds. Diamonds can be discounted down to zero, but guys wrapped up in the NFL Playoffs won't notice. Their potential fiancees stew in anger (He got me a Cuisinart for Christmas. He calls that a romantic gift?. I'm cutting him off. Not that it matters with those NFL playoff games going on until all hours while he and his idiot buddies drink themselves into oblivion.)

No one is happy. Jewelers have no business. Potential fiancees are frustrated. Guys (when they sober up) wonder why there are sheets and pillows on the couch.

Enter the marketing genius of the free TV with a diamond ring. Jewelers have a third rush season. Girls get that ring before their friends do on Valentine's Day. Guys move back to the bedroom and sheepishly ask, "Why go to your Bridesmaid's house to plan that Bachelorette Party on Super Bowl Night? I'll just have a few of the boys over to catch the game on my new TV."

Everyone is happy.

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