Thursday, January 26, 2012

Recycling Day

Walking the dog on Recycling Day is a great way to get to know your neighbors. The dog must "mark his territory" on these strange green containers that were not here yesterday and therefore pose a threat which must be neutralized. While Fido is doing his business, you can't help but notice the container contents. "Must be hard times at the Johnsons. Harry is drinking Pabst instead of Heineken." "Those wine and liquor bottles explain all the noise from the Smiths last Saturday." "Based on the number of pseudoephedrine containers there, the Browns have the worst cases of sinus congestion or that peculiar chemical smell from their house may be of interest to the DEA."

Far and away, the largest component of recyclables are water bottles. One fell out of an overflowing bin and I retrieved it. The label read "Smaller cap. Less plastic. This is part of our on-going effort to reduce our impact on the environment." Of course, drinking filtered tap water would eliminate the entire bottle, save tons of trash, and really help the environment.

Then, in small print, "Cap is a small part and poses a choking hazard particularly for children." So, we have made the cap smaller to protect the environment and in so doing made it a hazard to our children. We care more for the environment than for our children!

Rather than focusing on Mitt's tax return or Newt's marital follies, here is an issue that the Republicans can run on. Clearly, those Euro-socialists in the Obama Administration placed onerous regulations on the job-creating bottled water industry forcing it to reduce its cap size. What's the end result? Kids are choking to death! Not that those pro-abortion Democrats care anyway. All they want is pristine wilderness without job-creating oil pipelines running through it to spoil the view.

One can learn a lot from Recycling Containers.

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