Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sarah 2.0

Mitt Romney won the New Hampshire Primary yesterday. Once again, it appears that Tea Partiers and other "real" Republicans will be forced to hold their collective noses and vote more against a Democratic presidential candidate than for a Republican who shares their values. Sure, Romney in 2012 or McCain in 2008 were better than a certain Kenyan-born Socialist with a suspiciously Muslim-sounding name, but what the GOP needs is a vice presidential candidate who can get their juices flowing.

Someone like Sarah Palin, for example. When she burst onto the scene in 2008, she was the Tea Party's Dream. Pro-life? She had that Downs Syndrome baby. Pro-military? Her son was shipping off to Iraq with the Alaska National Guard. Pro-gun? Merely a Lifetime NRA member with several notches on her rifle barrel for shooting moose. Big hair? Got it. As if any real Republican woman doesn't have big hair. The Imagineers at Disney could not have created a more perfect candidate. The GOP's conservative base was re-energized. The McCain - Palin ticket almost won.

Is there a Sarah 2.0 out there to team with Romney and put the GOP back in the White House in 2012? Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the next Vice President of the United States of America - Tim Tebow!

Only the wholesome, handsome Denver Bronco quarterback can bring in the Religious Right vote plus the NFL Dad vote plus the "I don't know anything about politics. I just vote for the cuter guy." vote. That surely will swing the election to Romney - Tebow.

Pro-life? Tim espouses abstinence until marriage. Pro-military? Tebow is a regular on the USO Athlete Tour circuit. Pro-religion? The guy kneels and prays after big plays. Big hair? Romney has that perfect "helmet head" coiffure, but Tim has an actual helmet on his head.

The Republicans pulled Sarah Palin from political obscurity and nearly stole the 2008 election. Can they spring Sarah 2.0, Tim Tebow on us in 2012 and regain the White House?

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