Monday, October 12, 2009

Disney Princess Flu

A poll released last week found that 38% of parents were unlikely to give permission for their children to be vaccinated against swine flu at school.

Have those parents really thought this thing through? Let the School Nurse put up with the tantrum when little Josh or Tiffany faces that monster hypodermic. Let the teacher handle the tears and acting out afterwards. This is why we pay those school taxes.

The problem is with the name, swine flu. Other than Porky Pig (and he had his own set of problems what with the stuttering and all), has there ever been a pig that inspires the warm and fuzzies? Any flu associated with swine scares both kids and parents. Now, if they had named it Disney Princess Flu or Transformer Flu, kids would demand immediate inoculation.

Parents remain to be convinced and it's not easy. I work at the local Food Bank. When swine flu first became known last spring, several clients refused hot dogs because they contained pork and "better safe than sorry". I explained that USDA approved hot dogs are thoroughly cooked and contain more preservatives than Hugh Hefner. Flu or any other germs don't stand a chance. It didn't work.

All is not lost. Kids today get what they want regardless of whether it is good for them. The "Transformers" movie remains the highest-grossing flick of 2009 and it's not as if a whole lot of parents thought that it was worth coughing up $8 for little Josh to see it. The Center for Disease Control needs to re-christen swine flu as Disney Princess or Transformers Flu and the epidemic will be halted in its tracks.

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